Selamat berjumpa kembali di Monitoring Investasi & Hyip. Mohon maaf hari mengalami keterlambatan dalam melakukan update pembayaran dari HYIP.
Jona Sinaga,
Today I have a recommendation that will be of value to a large number of our members, particularly those who joined HYIFund as a result of our free investment offer. The site I am recommending is a Paid to Post forum, which pays you each time that you make a post.
At HYIFund, we always like to support the underdog, which is why, when one of our long time members contacted us about a paid to post forum he has created, I was interested in learning more.
The forum is HYIPBucks and can be found at
I would recommend signing up for a number of reasons:
- I will be publicly posting there in our thread. I will answer all of your questions regarding HYIFund first hand. This will be the first time that I have posted on a public hyip forum.
- They pay you to post. Can't go wrong there!
- The admin is a very knowledgeable hyip investor and will likely offer many valuable insights.
***Bonus Offer***
To add a bit of excitement: The first member who creates a thread about HYIFund on HYIPBucks will receive a $5 investment bonus. Also, I will reward a $1 investment bonus to the first 50 members who sign up to the forum and send me a PM on HYIPBucks with their HYIFund username. Send the pm my username, which is HYIFUND.
So the url again is
Check it out!
Have a great weekend
Intinya : Hyi Fund sudah ada FORUMnya, dan setiap posting yang kita lakukan akan mendapatkan komisi :)
Jadi rajin-rajinlah melakukan posting di FORUM tersebut.
INFO Mandarin Invest
Dear, sinaga!
The situation on world markets is volatile, but our company successfully works with your funds and makes them grow. Due to the fact, that our financial situation improved over the last quarter, we have decided to share the success with you and make the investment conditions more lucrative for you. However, as investors are sensitive towards any changes, even positive ones, we have decided to ask your opinion on this matter.
So, our experts suggest following options:
1. Change the interest rate for "Basic" plan to 1.2%
2. Change the interest rate for "Starter" plan to 1.5%
3. Change the interest rate for "Advanced" plan to 1.8%
4. Leave everything without any changes
You can voice your opinion here:
The poll will close on 21.02.10. We would also be glad to receive any suggestions from professional investors on additional improvements of the conditions.
Remember, your vote might be crucial!
Intinya : Sebagai member mandarin-invest diminta tanggapan/suaranya terhadap perubahan sistem investasi yang ada.
Sharing Pendapatan di FORUM
Seperti yang saya jelaskan tentang FORUM ini pada tanggal 30 January 2010 bisa Anda lihat disini INFO 30 JANUARY 2010 bahwa FORUM ini benar-benar membayar segala aktivitas yang kita lakukan.
Sekarang saya menerima pembayaran yang kedua kalinya dari FORUM ini :) :)
Bukti pembayaran :

Jika berminat silahkan kunjungi Forumnya disini : FORUM INDONESIA
Seperti yang saya jelaskan tentang FORUM ini pada tanggal 30 January 2010 bisa Anda lihat disini INFO 30 JANUARY 2010 bahwa FORUM ini benar-benar membayar segala aktivitas yang kita lakukan.
Sekarang saya menerima pembayaran yang kedua kalinya dari FORUM ini :) :)
Bukti pembayaran :

Atau kunjungi LInk berikut untuk memperbesar gambar
Jika berminat silahkan kunjungi Forumnya disini : FORUM INDONESIA
Pembayaran HYIP Minggu Pertama di bulan February :