Sedikit mengecewakan terhadap kredibilitas bisnis investasi di INDONESIA. Terlalu banyak yang bermasalah daripada yang tidak bermasalah :(
Dana Fiesta :
Yang statusnya WAITING saya jadikan NOT PAYING Hal yang membuat saya berpikiran kalau Dana Fiesta itu SCAM. Dikarenakan DATA PEMBAYARAN di web ( dapat terlihat bawa pembayaran pada JONA SINAGA status oke. Tapi uang tersebut belum juga masuk ke REKENING saya. Saya konfirmasikan masalah ini ke Admin melalui SMS, EMAIL tapi tidak juga mendapatkan RESPON sama sekali.
Komisi-Prima :
2 Hari kemarin web komisi prima tidak dapat di akses. Tapi dalam beberapa jam dapat di akses kembali. Tapi ada masalah di MEMBER AREAnya. Setelah LOGIN hanya terlihat ERROR DATABASE. Tapi mulai tanggal 13 Desember 2009 semua masalah terselesaikan dengan baik.
Sampai sekarang pembayaran dari GENIUS FUNDS, HYI FUND, ORIONCAPITAL-TRUST, MANDARIN INVEST masih terus lancar, sehingga dollarpun terus meluncur ke LR ku :) Sedangkan CASH TANKER statusnya masih WAITING. Menunggu proses WITHDRAW yang akan di proses tanggal 20 Desember 2009 - 25 Desember 2009. Apabila sudah ada pembayaran dari CASH TANKER maka statusnya akan saya kembalikan PAYING.
Cash Tanker
Dear Investors, I have a good news for all of you. Now I am 100% prepared to complete all the withdrawal orders you have already ordered. I would like to apologize for not responding to support requests, was very busy those days.
2. You can cancel current withdrawal and order a new one, if needed.
3. ALL Strictpay orders will be cancelled because this payment system blocked my account and stolen all the funds, moreover they are running away and won't be able to complete all the withdrawal and information about a new Bank account is bogus. Please don't worry and order withdrawal to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney or Bank wire. And I recommend never use Strictpay again in the future, they are scammers.
4. Reinvest button will start working 1st of January 2010, you can leave any amount at Cash Available balance.
5. Next investment term 1st of January - 25th of December 2010, payments from Monday - Friday. Compounding CAP is 800%, after reaching this limit - daily non compounded interest only, calculator will be updated after 25th of December 2009.
6. CashTanker will go PRIVATE after 1st of Janurary 2010, and only 5 referrals will be allowed. If you have more than 5 referrals already you won't be able to refer nobody and they will stay with you.
7. Referral commission will be paid if your referral reinvest for the next year (after 1st of January). Minimum to reinvest for the next year - 25 USD. Blessed day, Sam Serino
>>>>> Cash Tanker akan siap melakukan pembayaran seluruh withdraw member pas tanggal 20 Desember 2009 - 25 Desember 2009.
>>>>> Proses wihtdraw melalui STRICTPAY tidak bisa dilakukan, dikarenakan account STRICTPAY Cash Tanker telah kena HACK/Bermasalah.
>>>>> 1 Member hanya dibatasi 5 downline saja, yang posisinya akan disimpan tetap
>>>>> Proses reinvest akan dimulai 1 January 2010 untuk periode tahun 2010, batas akhir kontrak 25 Desember 2010
Mandarin Invest
Dear sinaga, our AlertPay account is now finally unblocked. All the pending AP payouts have been processed and you may also request new payouts to this payment system, but please note that AlertPay payouts are not instant and it may take up to 3 business days for them to be processed. If you would like to enjoy instant payouts, you might want to switch to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay as payouts to these payment systems are processed instantly for amounts of up to $100. Sincerely, Robbyn Hart
>>>>>> Semua pembayaran Alert Pay yang terPENDING/terTUNDA sudah dapat di PROSES secara INSTAN. Max $100 per hari Update pembayaran sampai hari ini :
Komisi-Prima :
2 Hari kemarin web komisi prima tidak dapat di akses. Tapi dalam beberapa jam dapat di akses kembali. Tapi ada masalah di MEMBER AREAnya. Setelah LOGIN hanya terlihat ERROR DATABASE. Tapi mulai tanggal 13 Desember 2009 semua masalah terselesaikan dengan baik.
Sampai sekarang pembayaran dari GENIUS FUNDS, HYI FUND, ORIONCAPITAL-TRUST, MANDARIN INVEST masih terus lancar, sehingga dollarpun terus meluncur ke LR ku :) Sedangkan CASH TANKER statusnya masih WAITING. Menunggu proses WITHDRAW yang akan di proses tanggal 20 Desember 2009 - 25 Desember 2009. Apabila sudah ada pembayaran dari CASH TANKER maka statusnya akan saya kembalikan PAYING.
Cash Tanker
Dear Investors, I have a good news for all of you. Now I am 100% prepared to complete all the withdrawal orders you have already ordered. I would like to apologize for not responding to support requests, was very busy those days.
2. You can cancel current withdrawal and order a new one, if needed.
3. ALL Strictpay orders will be cancelled because this payment system blocked my account and stolen all the funds, moreover they are running away and won't be able to complete all the withdrawal and information about a new Bank account is bogus. Please don't worry and order withdrawal to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney or Bank wire. And I recommend never use Strictpay again in the future, they are scammers.
4. Reinvest button will start working 1st of January 2010, you can leave any amount at Cash Available balance.
5. Next investment term 1st of January - 25th of December 2010, payments from Monday - Friday. Compounding CAP is 800%, after reaching this limit - daily non compounded interest only, calculator will be updated after 25th of December 2009.
6. CashTanker will go PRIVATE after 1st of Janurary 2010, and only 5 referrals will be allowed. If you have more than 5 referrals already you won't be able to refer nobody and they will stay with you.
7. Referral commission will be paid if your referral reinvest for the next year (after 1st of January). Minimum to reinvest for the next year - 25 USD. Blessed day, Sam Serino
>>>>> Cash Tanker akan siap melakukan pembayaran seluruh withdraw member pas tanggal 20 Desember 2009 - 25 Desember 2009.
>>>>> Proses wihtdraw melalui STRICTPAY tidak bisa dilakukan, dikarenakan account STRICTPAY Cash Tanker telah kena HACK/Bermasalah.
>>>>> 1 Member hanya dibatasi 5 downline saja, yang posisinya akan disimpan tetap
>>>>> Proses reinvest akan dimulai 1 January 2010 untuk periode tahun 2010, batas akhir kontrak 25 Desember 2010
Mandarin Invest
Dear sinaga, our AlertPay account is now finally unblocked. All the pending AP payouts have been processed and you may also request new payouts to this payment system, but please note that AlertPay payouts are not instant and it may take up to 3 business days for them to be processed. If you would like to enjoy instant payouts, you might want to switch to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay as payouts to these payment systems are processed instantly for amounts of up to $100. Sincerely, Robbyn Hart
>>>>>> Semua pembayaran Alert Pay yang terPENDING/terTUNDA sudah dapat di PROSES secara INSTAN. Max $100 per hari Update pembayaran sampai hari ini :