INFO Hyi Fund

20000 Member Contest

Jona Sinaga,

I hope that everyone is having a great start to the new year. To start it off right, I am happy to announce the next Contest!

Our memberbase has been growing quite rapidly, and we are happy to say that we now have 16,300 active members. The goal of the contest, is to predict the date at which we will reach 20,000 members.

To compete:

1. Send an email to with the your prediction in the subject line. The date must be written in the following format: Day/Month/Year

For example, today would be written as 18/01/2010

Submissions that are not written in the correct format will be disregarded.

2. The body of the email should include your username

3. You will receive a confirmation email once it has been received.

When we reach 20,000 members, all of the members who have selected the correct date will be awarded an investment bonus between $1 and $50.

Only one submission should be made per account. We will stop accepting guesses when we reach 19000 users.

I wish everyone the best of luck!

As per usual, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact

Secara detail isi pesan di atas bahwa ADMIN HYI FUND mengadakan kontes kepada semua membernya untuk memprediksikan kapan hyi fund akan meraih total member 20000.
Bagi yang jawabannya benar, maka akan mendapatkan hadiah $1-$50.

INFO Prestige-Brokers

Sampai sekarang websitenya tidak dapat dibuka sama sekali. Menghilang begitu saja...wuzzz...wush....
Oleh karena itu statusnya saya buat NOT PAYING.

INFO 4urearn

Mulai dari tanggal 20 January 2010 websitenya tidak bisa dikunjungi, sepertinya lagi ada masalah.
Lalu tepatnya jam 10 Malam pada tanggal tersebut, websitenya kembali pulih. Dan saya sempat melakukan penarikan PROFIT. Dan seperti biasa pembayaran INSTANT.

Tapi setelah itu sampai sekarang websitenya kembali menghilang.
Sebenarnya apa yang terjadi....????

Kita harap saja nih HYIP tidak tewas begitu saja.
Padahal kalau di cek domainnya, masa tayang hyip ini sampai tahun 2012.
Statusnya saya jadikan WAITING.

INFO Mandarin-Invest

Dear sinaga,

we are glad to announce that Mandarin-Invest is now also available in Korean. Check the language selection menu on our website. You can also send support tickets in Korean.

Robbyn Hart

Ada penambahan bahasa baru di Mandarin-Invest yakni bahasa Korea.
Semoga saja bahasa Indonesia dimasukkin juga, hehehe......

INFO Pembayaran
Update pembayaran akan saya lakukan pada hari Jumat.
Status HYIP sampai sekarang ini :
  1. Genius Funds (Paying/Membayar)
  2. Hyi Fund (Paying/Membayar)
  3. Mandarin Invest (Paying/Membayar)
  4. 4urearn (Waiting)
  5. Inco Forex (Paying/Membayar)

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